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Alpacaribou, Mystical Beast of the Forest

Alpacaribou, Mystical Beast of the Forest Single: Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Valiant Einzelkarte
Alpacaribou, Mystical Beast of the Forest

Alpakaribu, mystisches Ungeheuer des Waldes

Race: Beast
Level: 7
Atk: 2700 / Def: 2100
Collectors Nr.: 095
● While in Attack Position: Attack Position Winged Beast, Insect, and Plant-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle. ● While in Defense Position: Defense Position Winged Beast, Insect, and Plant-Type monsters you control cannot be targeted by, or be destroyed by, card effects.

Alpacaribou, Mystical Beast of the Forest
Alpakaribu, mystisches Ungeheuer des Waldes
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Alpacaribou, Mystical Beast of the Forest
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