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How Did Dai Get Here?

How Did Dai Get Here? Single: Yu-Gi-Oh! Cyberstorm Access Einzelkarte
How Did Dai Get Here?

Wie kommt Dai hierher?

Race: Normal
Collectors Nr.: 085
If a monster you control is destroyed by your opponent's attack or card effect: Place face-up in your Field Zone, 1 Field Spell from your Deck with a different name than the cards in the Field Zones, then reveal 5 monsters from your Deck that can be Special Summoned, with different names from each other, your opponent randomly picks 1 for you to Special Summon, also shuffle the rest into your Deck. You can only activate 1 "How Did Dai Get Here?" per turn.

How Did Dai Get Here?
Wie kommt Dai hierher?
Zustand Sprache Notiz Lager Preis Menge
Cyberstorm Access
Collectors Nr.: 085
1E !!! Sommer A... 21 € 0,53
1E !!! Sommer A... 12 € 0,80
How Did Dai Get Here?
Cyberstorm Access
Collectors Nr.: 085
Zustand: NM
Sprache: EN
Notiz: !!! Sommer A...
Lager: 21
Preis: € 0,53
Zustand: NM
Sprache: DE
Notiz: !!! Sommer A...
Lager: 12
Preis: € 0,80
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