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Iris, the Earth Mother (V.2 - Ultimate Rare)

Iris, the Earth Mother (V.2 - Ultimate Rare) Single: Yu-Gi-Oh! Cyberdark Impact Einzelkarte
Iris, the Earth Mother (V.2 - Ultimate Rare)

Iris, die Erdmutter

Race: Fairy
Level: 6
Atk: 2400 / Def: 1200
Collectors Nr.: 025
After a Chain with 3 or more Links resolves, draw 1 card. This effect cannot activate if multiple cards/effects with the same name were activated in that Chain.

Iris, the Earth Mother (V.2 - Ultimate Rare)
Iris, die Erdmutter
Zustand Sprache Notiz Lager Preis Menge
Cyberdark Impact
Ultimate Rare
Collectors Nr.: 025
!!! BACK TO... 1 € 10,36
andere Versionen
Iris, the Earth Mother (V.2 - Ultimate Rare)
Cyberdark Impact
Ultimate Rare
Collectors Nr.: 025
Zustand: GD
Sprache: DE
Notiz: !!! BACK TO...
Lager: 1
Preis: € 10,36
andere Versionen
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