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A.I.'s Show

A.I.'s Show Single: Yu-Gi-Oh! Brothers of Legend Einzelkarte
A.I.'s Show


Race: Normal
Collectors Nr.: 042
While you control a Link-3 or higher "@Ignister" monster in the Extra Monster Zone, when an opponent's monster declares an attack: Special Summon from your Extra Deck any number of non-Link Cyberse monster(s) with 2300 ATK, whose combined ATK is less than or equal to the attacking monster's ATK, then end the Battle Phase.

A.I.'s Show
Zustand Sprache Notiz Lager Preis Menge
Brothers of Legend
Ultra Rare
Collectors Nr.: 042
1E !!! Sommer A... 12 € 0,80
A.I.'s Show
Brothers of Legend
Ultra Rare
Collectors Nr.: 042
Zustand: NM
Sprache: DE
Notiz: !!! Sommer A...
Lager: 12
Preis: € 0,80
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