Pokemon Liga Cup
League Cup Turnier
Samstag, 7. September
Turnierbeginn: 10:30
Bitte über Google Docs anmelden
Startgeld: 15 €
Standard - Swiss Rounds Bo3 plus Top Cut - wenn genug Spieler
(Swiss Rounds may be scaled down to Bo1 in case we run into time constraints)
3 Booster pro Spieler im Preispool. Der Preispool wir komplett ausgeschüttet.
Submission of decklist: 10:00
Begin: 10:30
Format: Standard - Swiss Rounds Bo3 plus Top Cut if applicable (Swiss Rounds may be scaled down to Bo1 in case we run into time constraints)
*This event is capped. Online Registration is mandatory.
*Late entry: Players will be registered as "late" in the system, receive a game loss for Round 1 and can only enter into the tournament starting with Round 2. After round two, no late acceptance.
Decks and Decklist: Decklist is mandatory!
If decklist is not submitted at start of Round 1, players will be registered as "late", receive a game loss for Round 1 and can only enter into the tournament starting with Round 2. After round two, no late acceptance.
Decklist: https://assets.pokemon.com//assets/cms2/pdf/play-pokemon/rules/play-pokemon-deck-list-a4.pdf
Sleeving of deck: Is highly recommended but not mandatory. If sleeves are used, all cards have to be sleeved in the same manner. Only transparent, single color or official Pokemon sleeves are allowed.
Dice, Damage Markers, Burn/Poison Markers, GX Markers have to be provided by each player.
Please bring an official ID and your Pokemon Player ID to the tournament.
In case of questions please write to [email protected].
We can only accept registration via this form.
Samstag, 7. September
Turnierbeginn: 10:30
Bitte über Google Docs anmelden
Startgeld: 15 €
Standard - Swiss Rounds Bo3 plus Top Cut - wenn genug Spieler
(Swiss Rounds may be scaled down to Bo1 in case we run into time constraints)
3 Booster pro Spieler im Preispool. Der Preispool wir komplett ausgeschüttet.
Submission of decklist: 10:00
Begin: 10:30
Format: Standard - Swiss Rounds Bo3 plus Top Cut if applicable (Swiss Rounds may be scaled down to Bo1 in case we run into time constraints)
*This event is capped. Online Registration is mandatory.
*Late entry: Players will be registered as "late" in the system, receive a game loss for Round 1 and can only enter into the tournament starting with Round 2. After round two, no late acceptance.
Decks and Decklist: Decklist is mandatory!
If decklist is not submitted at start of Round 1, players will be registered as "late", receive a game loss for Round 1 and can only enter into the tournament starting with Round 2. After round two, no late acceptance.
Decklist: https://assets.pokemon.com//assets/cms2/pdf/play-pokemon/rules/play-pokemon-deck-list-a4.pdf
Sleeving of deck: Is highly recommended but not mandatory. If sleeves are used, all cards have to be sleeved in the same manner. Only transparent, single color or official Pokemon sleeves are allowed.
Dice, Damage Markers, Burn/Poison Markers, GX Markers have to be provided by each player.
Please bring an official ID and your Pokemon Player ID to the tournament.
In case of questions please write to [email protected].
We can only accept registration via this form.